Our Journey

A piece of equipment lying idle ultimately means long delays in a patient receiving care at a facility, at times it can mean a difference between life and death. In its many maternal and infant care programs, we observed that the malfunctioning equipment could make a big difference in the health outcomes of the region, and not just mortality rates.

Across most facilities, public and private, the problems are similar:

  • Poor choice of equipment
  • Poor procurement network
  • Lack of technical personnel (at procurement, installment and maintenance levels)
  • Lack of user training
  • Lack of parts and consumables
  • Lack of tools for testing
  • Absence of proper planning at all levels of facilities

Our Mission

To reduce delays in access to critical care by ensuring every machine works at all levels of healthcare facilities

Our Vision

To transform how technology is used and maintained in resource-poor settings to end ​prevent​able​​ deaths​ and disabilities​

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