Our Approach

To understand the impact of Quipmed it is important to remember why this social enterprise was started—to reduce the delays in people getting medical care because of malfunctioning, non-functioning, or inadequate equipment.

Here are some of the changes that the team has observed and some case studies that tell the story of change:

  • Reduced the downtime of equipment
  • Reduced the frequency of breakdown of equipment
  • Reduced the referral burden at facilities
  • Reduced the expenditure on equipment for facilities
  • Trained biomed engineers and health workers in proper use of equipment
  • Contributed to the evolution of service referrals

Our Mission

To reduce delays in access to critical care by ensuring every machine works at all levels of healthcare facilities

Our Vision

To transform how technology is used and maintained in resource-poor settings to end ​prevent​able​​ deaths​ and disabilities​

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